Office Environment

Internal and external office lighting is LED with controls. Segregated waste streams. Elimination of single use plastic for drinking cups. Use of ‘A’ rated white goods in office and on site. Gold Members of the Mental Health Charter. Designated Mental Health first aiders.


We are developing an inclusive and sustainable procurement policy in accordance with ISO20400. We aim to use local suppliers ad labour for each project, where reasonable and practical.


Gold members of the 5% club. Supported staff technical knowledge development. We have a strong apprentice scheme. We conduct career and education awareness events. We provide CIBSE approved CPDs.


We encourage and support our employees to volunteer in local charitable and community oriented activities. We support and contribute time and donations to a designated charity.


We are changing our fleet over to electric and hybrid company vehicles. On-site vehicle charging facilities. Provision and promotion of video conferencing across all offices.

Carbon Impact

We are proud GOLD members of the Supply Chain Sustainability School. We are monitoring our Scope 1, 2 and 3 carbon impact and annually publish our Streamline Energy and Carbon Report.

Carbon Statistics

Our overall Annual Carbon Emission intensity is 11.5 TCO2e/£m. This is a 49% reduction over our previous year and is 82% below the ONS benchmark for similar businesses.

TCO2e/yr Carbon emissions 2021-2022

Gas & Transport Fuel (Scope 1)


Electrical (Scope 2)


Waste And Water (Scope 3)



230 TCO2e/yr

Total Co2e emission

Our carbon offset

Harniss recognises the importance of accountability for the environment. To truly achieve net zero carbon, a balance needs to be struck in terms of emissions created verses emissions saved or avoided.

Every year we conduct an annual review of the business impact through Streamline Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) for scope 1, 2 and 3. This enables a true emissions balance to be evaluated and we offset those unavoidable emissions with investment into the ‘gold standard’ offset initiatives. Harniss is a Carbon Neutral Business, with our carbon offset being invested into various sustainable projects across the globe and in the UK.  Year on year we see to lower our impact and eventually strive towards being Climate Positive.


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