
Case Study

Jaga UK Ltd Carbon Foot Print

The details

Jaga Heating Products UK Ltd, followed out three step plan to being a Carbon Neutral Business.  The team reviewed and accounted for the three main elements of GHG's fulfilling all direct and indirect carbon emissions (scope 1, 2 and 3).  These are shown and defined under our General Business (carbon) Energy sector - shown here.

Harniss Energy and Sustainability collated the information in accordance with ISO 14064 and GHG Emissions Protocol Accounting Standard, and provided an impartial submission package.  This was then subsequently presented to a Gold Standard offset group (Carbon Neutral Britain); for investment payment into a government approved offset initiative scheme.

Jaga UK Ltd then recieved their notification of Carbon Neutrality.

At a glance


Jaga UK Ltd

Time frame

8 weeks

Carbon savings

168 Tonnes

Installed services

Carbon Audit


Required Field