This scheme include a sensible sized and suited gas fired CHP to meet 20% of the overall heating and hot water demand to ensure compliance with planning requirements and client sustainability expected performance goals.
This three-storey care home with excellent facilities comprise 65 spacious bright and fresh ensuite bedrooms. On site facilities include day spaces, offices, café/lounges, laundries and kitchen.
The overall performance of this property surpassed Building Regulations by 1.8% and therefore also met with local planning policy carbon reductions and meeting Part L 2013.
Overall carbon savings equates to 2 tonnes of Carbon per year from a highly efficient fabric first approach, highly efficient heating (including CHP) and the inclusion of 100% low energy lighting combined with occupancy sensors throughout.
Client |
Avery |
Time frame |
92 weeks |
CO2 Savings |
2 tonnes |
Harrison Wheal and Sonny Knights complete their mechanical apprenticeship.